Stona India 2020(Intensifier Pump)

Stona India 2020(Intensifier Pump)

Feb 09,20

This is one of biggest stone fair in the world. Shuttle started the preparation and produced a machine which is suitable for India market since last October. We sincerely hope more customers can know our products with the help of this stone fair. 
This is also the first time for our new pump to show in India. With its max water discharge, we increase the cutting speed 30% faster than normal. Until now, we had already realized cutting of 280mm marble, 200mm steel plate. 
Unfortunately, with the reason of force majeure, we can’t arrive in the fair in person. But with the help of our India agent, Mr. Agrawal, he helped us take the machine to the booth. Owing the rich experience of water jet, our India agent showed the machine successfully and found out some potential customers who were interested. They left the valued information in order to keep contact for the next step.
“It is a very good platform for stone businessman to communicate,” Mr. Lee says. (Intensifier Pump)
Intensifier Pump
Intensifier Pump
Intensifier Pump
Intensifier Pump